Barring Cataract Before It's Too Late!

Cataracts are more suffered by people who are already aged. Usually cataracts start attacking when it enters the age of 50 years and over. Just try it you noticed if it was at the eye hospital, the average patient who was already elderly have the same complaint, namely the cataracts. Cataracts can be said to be a disease that is feared by the elderly, because the elderly are particularly vulnerable suffer from cataracts, which if not immediately addressed will result in blindness. Cataracts are very easy to attack a ripe old age, but that does not mean we are still under the old age off guard. Every illness we suffer, is actually sourced from a habit that we do, especially in food intake daily, was no exception with cataracts.

Cataracts can we anticipated seja early with eating good foods, especially those that are healthy for the eyes. So, even though the age of lanjtu is very exposed to the risk of cataracts, if we keep eating early on, is likely to have the disease was very small.

We often hear the word cataract, we too often hear Grandpa or Grandma the A and the B has just had surgery cataracts. Then what is a cataract? Cataract is a disease that strikes the lens of the eye. A very common signs we can see from cataracts is the presence of a white membrane covering the eye lens. Well, the mucous covering the lens it will interfere with the function of the lens of the eye, due to the eye to be shortsighted. If the eye is already low due to cataracts, light cannot penetrate the eyepiece.

Cataracts that have already entered the stage of shortsighted gradually will suffer from myopia. Myopia beginning of cataracts this will cause the membrane covering the eye lens is yellowed gradually, so that the opacity level of the eyepiece could reduce the perception of the color blue.

When a cataract is left long, sufferers can lose his sight, could even be blinded eyes. In addition, cataract when it is not immediately addressed and treated penderitnya will suffer from glaucoma.

Although cataracts attack at a ripe old age, does not mean we are the young should not be acquainted with cataracts. If we already know what it is, we can at least cataract introspective early on. Why is this so? It turns out that cataracts are caused by the blow of light or ultra violet rays in a long time. So, preferably early on we must avoid ultra violet rays blow so that later on no-risk exposed to cataracts. In addition to the ultra violet rays blow, cataracts can also be caused by radiation.

Cataracts can also be obtained from heredity, especially with this type of congenital cataracts, as well as a positive family history of cataracts are very likely serves someone affected by cataracts at an early age, particularly cataract with type prasenilis. So you can look back on a history of keuarga does anyone have these types of cataracts, if anything you should have to do prevention, otherwise there is no harm in You find out, because who knows you can for others.

Cataracts are also not only caused by the effect of ultra violet radiation rays, and genetic factors. Beyond that, cataracts can also be caused by an injury ever experienced by the eyes as well as injury or physical trauma. Cataracts are also more prone to those suffered by the profession as a pilot.

Why can a pilot suffering from cataracts? The possibility that large a pilot had severe cataracts due to excessive radiation effects that originate from outer space. You should also be careful with infrared radiation and microwave radiation. The second such radiation can also cause cataracts.

We've been able to figure out what that picture of cataracts and what was the cause of cataracts. Well, it also has cataracts selected species. Each type of cataract is distinguished from an abnormality in the eyepiece and age. What are the types of cataracts? Here are a few types of cataracts:

Congenital cataract is attacked at a time when we were babies, more precisely at the moment of birth and as soon as the baby was born. This type of cataract is characterized by the existence of changes the clarity of the structure of the lens of the eye. Congenital cataracts can be seen with visible, i.e. keruhnya the eyepiece of the spots are white.

Congenital cataracts because of a change other than the eyepiece on the clarity of the structure of a new baby is born, is also caused due to chromosome abnormalities, disease, presence of infection metabolis intraurin, as well as experience the disorder during pregnancy.

Also called traumatic experience with an injury. So, traumatic cataract is cataract types can appear due to an injury or experienced especially on the part of the eye. Trauma is a blunt trauma and traumatic perforation. The Trauma of new could be seen or felt a few days later. Traumatic cataracts has several categories of disease levels, i.e. acute and subacute.

Secondary cataract is cataract cataract sufferers from the constraint at the time undergoing treatment for cataracts. Usually these types of cataracts who attacked them seeking treatment, especially surgery. So, after cataract extraction surgery extra kapsuler (EKEK) was formed from the remaining lens tissue fibrosis being left behind. It also occurs in the posterior lens plantings.

Cataract is the most numerous senil suffered by those who are elderly or have already aged 50 years and over. So, a special type of cataract is cataract senil the most happening, in parts of the world, including in Indonesia. The only cataract caused because of the age factor. As we know when get older person's condition began to weaken, including locomotion function. So with eyes, the longer the diminishing his ability.

Saying that prevent better treat, it feels very good to we apply to maintain good health, including eyes from cataracts. Prevention is better if it is done early on. So, the first having fun then it will AIL right for you if you've been doing since the early prevention efforts of cataracts. Then what can we do to prevent the eyes from the dangers of cataracts? Here are some prevention from diseases cataracts:

You learn all the things that could be the cause of cataracts, so you can do more preventative activities out again.Should avoid direct ultra violet rays blow if you're outdoors, especially at a time during the day. If the outgoing House should use sunglasses, so that more eyes are protected from ultra violet rays and reduce the risk of cataracts.For those of you who are smokers, should start at this stop the habit of smoking, because smoking can also cause cataracts in eyes.Note the food you consume. You should consume at least 362 mg of vitamin C each day, eating more vegetables rich in carotenoids.

The majority of cataract starts stalking us if it enters the age of 50 years and over. However, based on the types of cataracts, cataract itself turns out to be also can strike the baby has just been born. So, the better we've been doing since the early prevention, especially for expectant mothers. You certainly don't want to undergo cataract is not it?

Although currently cataracts can be cured with surgery, it seems wiser if we maintain health eyes early on. Although cataract surgery can be done, if we do not maintain health eyes from cataracts, not unlikely before entering old age we are already suffering from cataracts.

So do not consider trivial cataracts. Do not wait until the new age we are doing prevention. Everything is back on you whether cataract sufferers want to add to the list or not. Treat the eye health begins today.

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