Tips Lose Weight Without Hunger

Perhaps you have a strict diet to lose weight. Even so tight, to leave the rice and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Worse yet, eat only once a day, the portions were small. Some people who do this kind of diet lost weight significantly for some time, but then their weight go up drastically. Why?

Because their diet is not realistic. They do not listen to what their body needs. As a result, besides are not happy, dieters also feel frustrated because it failed to meet the target weight. There is a powerful method to lose weight without making you feel hungry and tormented. This diet was introduced by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, a naturopathic expert and prominent international researchers, in a book entitled The Blood Type Diet.

This idea also is to answer all sorts of paradoxes in the world of health. For example, why some people with cancer can be cured by eating the red fruit, but others do not. The secret lies in their blood type. Blood type reacts to foods or medicines in different ways. For example, for blood type B red meat is better than chicken meat. Meanwhile, the opposite is true for blood group O.

Here are some tips to lose weight using the blood type diet.

1. Know Your Blood Type

2. Food Match choose Each Blood Type

Meat and Poultry
For golong AB and B, meat goats and rabbits reacted well to the body so that the owner of this blood type does not have to worry about eating during the diet. In fact, the meat act as a drug (very useful). However, chicken meat should be avoided because they contain lectins that can agglutinate blood group B and disrupt the digestive system of blood type AB.

The opposite actually happens to blood group O. Chicken meat instead gave its own benefit for this blood type. Unlike the general belief, the blood type diet lets you eat poultry / meat / chicken for not reacting negatively to your blood type.

Seafood such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, very beneficial for blood type B and AB. However, avoid foods such as crab, shrimp, snails, eels because it reacts like toxins in your body.

Eggs and Dairy
Blood type B can enjoy almost all dairy products. So, if your blood type B, do not worry about drinking milk like a dairy cow, goat, and cottage cheese because the food is actually beneficial to your body.

For blood group AB, the best dairy products that can be consumed instead of fermented. The reason is because it is easy to digest this blood group, as well as goat's milk. However, it does not apply to milk the cow that actually negative effect for this blood type.

Olive oil reacted positively to the blood group B as well as AB. Meanwhile, sesame oil, corn, coconut, and sunflower react negatively to this blood type.

For blood type B, green tea is very well taken and soft drinks should be avoided. As for coffee, its neutral.

3. Healthy Lifestyle conduct such as exercising and Others
There are so many benefits that can be learned from the blood type diet. In addition to effectively lose weight, effective in curing many severe diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and others.

You want a diet and often doomed to failure it was time to try this diet. Good luck!

Title Post: Tips Lose Weight Without Hunger
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Author: Borneo08

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