Lots of people often underestimate the benefits of these fruits because of various reasons. Ranging from not like the taste that seemed strange, at first glance seems repulsive form until they thought it smelled really sting and make them throw up, but did you know that it's just their excuse for not eating the fruit merely suggested?
It is possible they are still consuming something that could be considered a fruit but do they ever know what benefits their fruit consumption? Most had never known and often they only eat fruit all the way back until now as an example Durian. These include the durian fruit is very hot to eat and often the people who eat too much will suffer from diarrhea, abdominal pain until a few days. Then how is the category of healthy fruits consumed and does have a high efficacy?
Here are some fruits you can consume because it has such a high efficacy and good for the body:
If you ever feel the drinks are named with Coconut Ice or Ice Degan under another name, you are definitely addicted to the fruit of this one. Why? This one fruit that tastes so good especially combined with ice and sugar are also increasingly making its own taste. Young Coconut Water is glucose, sucrose and fructose, while the meat itself contains a variety of proteins, vitamins and vegetable fat
You need to know, consume Young Coconut Water and its meat will make you feel refreshed, able to cope with a dry mouth and even able to cope with diabetes. But even if you like the taste of fruit on this one, it is advisable to not consume too much because you will feel weak for some time.
Shaped fruit that is unique and has a sour taste sweet-sour is proved to have properties that are so good that is able to prevent and cope well in the mouth and throat infections (like strep). This could be your star fruit consumption directly or you juice and mix with honey as a sweetener flavor.
Do you know if it was large and fleshy fruit fresh red is able to improve the existing content in the blood? Yes, the fruit that taste sweet and very fresh is proved to have properties quite a lot besides them, keeping the increase in blood sugar of diabetics, cure rheumatism and arthritis as well.
Fruit that is unique, it is also has very interesting properties. Pomegranates are juiced If it can be used as a mouthwash that is able to cleanse the mouth and between teeth that can prevent infection and also eliminates the bad odor from your mouth.
In addition, if you eat the fruit of this one then all the worms that exist in your body, including roundworms and pinworms can be disabled and removed through a large water.
Have you ever felt bad on your stomach? Yes, it's usually caused by high levels of calories and also oil from the food you just ate. So by eating a pear, then you do not have to worry anymore because this one fruit could overcome it with good.
Dried fruits are very popular in Arabia is proved to have a fairly high sugar content so that it can generate tremendous energy. The fruit is a legend when there are stories where the Prophet Muhammad only consumes only 3 pieces of dates to break their fast. Dates also have a very good efficacy for wound healing / regeneration, but be careful for those who have diabetes should not eat this fruit is excessive or a lot.
Fruits are generally red in color and sweet is proved to have excellent efficacy for the bowel. Yes consume this fruit will help your body's performance in clearing the remnants of dirt that is on the wall of your colon so it can avoid the occurrence of appendicitis. The content in apples can also be used to lower cholesterol levels in your body.
This fruit has so much content that is beneficial to your body, where the contents of this serves to heal the hurt at the time of intestinal inflammation and are also able to help the intestines to absorb food into your body so that the performance of the intestine is more effective and balanced.
The famous yellow fruit with a sour-sweet taste and also contain vitamin C are very high is efficacious for improving your immune system, cleanse the liver area and combined with honey, then it could be useful to cure sore throat and tonsils. Keep in mind for patients with gastritis (stomach acid disorders) that consumes only citrus fruit that taste sweet.
Fruit is often considered a vegetable it has properties that are very important in overcoming constipation. In addition if you have constipation problems, this fruit can be a solution to help your problem is.
Tomato fruit is juiced when will serve to balance liver function so it works with a maximum of course this causes your body to have good stamina and awake. If tomatoes are consumed regularly then it could solve the problem no appetite, especially in young children who often experience this famous.
Fruit that has a very sweet taste has a property in the form of enormous energy. Kelengkeng fruit is very suitable for consumption by women who had just given birth or athletes who are also regular train like a runner. It also could serve to increase appetite, promote wound healing in the skin (the outside). Do not consume this fruit because too much can make your body feel the heat.
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Author: Borneo08
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